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# File rhino/rhino/lib/rhino/resource/active_record_extension/params.rb 31 def assoc_from_sym(sym) 32 reflect_on_association(sym).klass 33 end
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# File rhino/rhino/lib/rhino/resource/active_record_extension/params.rb 10 def create_params 11 writeable_params("create") 12 end
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# File rhino/rhino/lib/rhino/resource/active_record_extension/params.rb 35 def props_by_type(type) 36 # FIXME: Direct attributes for this model we want a copy, not to 37 # alter the class_attribute itself 38 send("#{type}_properties").dup 39 end
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# File rhino/rhino/lib/rhino/resource/active_record_extension/params.rb 41 def readable_params(type, refs = references) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity 42 params = [] 43 44 refs_index = refs.index_by { |r| reference_to_sym(r) } 45 46 props_by_type("read").each do |prop| 47 desc = describe_property(prop) 48 prop_sym = prop.to_sym 49 50 # If its a reference or an array of references 51 # FIXME: anyOf is a hack for now 52 if desc[:type] == :reference || (desc[:type] == :array && (desc[:items].key?(:$ref) || desc[:items].key?(:anyOf))) 53 next unless refs_index.key?(prop_sym) 54 55 next_refs = refs_index[prop_sym].is_a?(Hash) ? refs_index[prop_sym][prop_sym] : [] 56 assoc = assoc_from_sym(prop_sym) 57 58 next params << { prop.to_s => assoc.send("readable_params", type, next_refs) } 59 end 60 61 # JSON columns need special handling - allow all the nested params 62 next params << { prop => {} } if desc[:type].in?(%i[json jsonb]) 63 64 # Generic array of scalars 65 next params << { prop => [] } if desc[:type] == :array 66 67 # Otherwise prop and param are equivalent 68 params << prop 69 end 70 71 # Display name is always allowed 72 params << "display_name" 73 end
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# File rhino/rhino/lib/rhino/resource/active_record_extension/params.rb 27 def reference_to_sym(reference) 28 reference.is_a?(Hash) ? reference.keys.first : reference 29 end
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# File rhino/rhino/lib/rhino/resource/active_record_extension/params.rb 14 def show_params 15 readable_params("show") 16 end
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# File rhino/rhino/lib/rhino/resource/active_record_extension/params.rb 22 def transform_params(params) 23 transform_params_recursive(params) 24 end
Rebuild the params rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity
Source: show
# File rhino/rhino/lib/rhino/resource/active_record_extension/params.rb 141 def transform_params_recursive(params, parent = self) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity 142 hash = {} 143 params.each do |param_key, param_value| 144 association = parent.reflect_on_association(param_key) 145 146 # Its a regular attribute 147 next hash[param_key] = param_value unless association 148 149 # FIXME 150 # Hack to rewrite for attachment/attachments and guard against object resubmission 151 if param_key.end_with?("_attachment") 152 hash[param_key.remove("_attachment")] = param_value if param_value.is_a?(String) || param_value.nil? 153 154 next 155 end 156 if param_key.end_with?("_attachments") 157 hash[param_key.remove("_attachments")] = param_value if param_value.is_a?(Array) || param_value.nil? 158 159 next 160 end 161 162 # Transform the nested attributes as well 163 # Nested need _attributes - we don't want the client to have to do that 164 if parent.nested_attributes_options.key?(param_key.to_sym) 165 attr_key = "#{param_key}_attributes" 166 167 # has_many nested should be an array 168 if association.macro == :has_many 169 next hash[attr_key] = param_value.map { |pv| parent.transform_params_recursive(pv, association.klass) } 170 end 171 172 # has_one/belongs_to is just the values 173 # if its a cardinal though, such as blog: 1 instead of blog: {name : 'my blog' } 174 # fallback to transforming to the foreign key 175 if param_value.is_a?(ActionController::Parameters) 176 next hash[attr_key] = parent.transform_params_recursive(param_value, association.klass) 177 end 178 end 179 180 # Map association name to foreign key, ie blog => blog_id 181 # or blog: { id: } => blog_id 182 if param_value.is_a?(ActionController::Parameters) 183 next hash[association.foreign_key] = param_value[association.klass.identifier_property] 184 end 185 186 hash[association.foreign_key] = param_value 187 end 188 189 # Force permit since we should have already been permitted at this point 190 ActionController::Parameters.new(hash).permit! 191 end
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# File rhino/rhino/lib/rhino/resource/active_record_extension/params.rb 18 def update_params 19 writeable_params("update") 20 end
Source: show
# File rhino/rhino/lib/rhino/resource/active_record_extension/params.rb 75 def writeable_params(type, _refs = references) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity 76 params = [] 77 78 props_by_type(type).each do |prop| 79 desc = describe_property(prop) 80 prop_sym = prop.to_sym 81 82 # An array of references 83 if desc[:type] == :array && (desc[:items].key?(:$ref) || desc[:items].key?(:anyOf)) 84 # FIXME: Hack for has_many_attached 85 next params << { prop => [] } if desc.dig(:items, :anyOf)[0]&.dig(:$ref) == "#/components/schemas/active_storage_attachment" 86 87 # We only accept if the active record accepts it 88 next unless nested_attributes_options.key?(prop_sym) || desc.dig(:items, :anyOf)[0]&.dig(:$ref) 89 90 assoc = assoc_from_sym(prop_sym) 91 92 # This does not handle nested for a polymorphic model, but neither does rails 93 # FIXME: Do we need to handle :update_only option? 94 # FIXME: If a nested resource attribute is create only, the backend will allow it to be 95 # updated because create/update are merged together - the frontedn UI shows the right 96 # thing though NUB-844 97 assoc_params = [] 98 99 array_attributes = desc[:items][:"x-rhino-attribute-array"] 100 101 if array_attributes[:updatable] 102 # If the attribute is updatable, we need to accept the id param 103 assoc_params << assoc.identifier_property 104 105 # If the attribute is updatable, we need to accept its updatable params 106 assoc_params << assoc.send("writeable_params", "update") 107 end 108 109 # If the attribute is creatable, we need to accept its creatable params 110 assoc_params << assoc.send("writeable_params", "create") if array_attributes[:creatable] 111 112 # If its destroyable, accept the _destroy param 113 assoc_params << "_destroy" if nested_attributes_options[prop_sym][:allow_destroy] 114 115 next params << { prop => assoc_params.flatten.uniq } 116 end 117 118 # JSON columns need special handling - allow all the nested params 119 next params << { prop => {} } if desc[:type].in?(%i[json jsonb]) 120 121 # Generic array of scalars 122 next params << { prop => [] } if desc[:type] == :array 123 124 # Accept { blog_post: { :id }} as well as { blog_post: 3 } below 125 if desc[:type] == :reference 126 assoc = assoc_from_sym(prop_sym) 127 128 params << { prop => [assoc.identifier_property] } 129 end 130 131 # Otherwise prop and param are equivalent 132 # We also accept the ref name as the foreign key if its a singular resource 133 params << prop 134 end 135 136 params 137 end